Om Shanti Om, a big success from 2007, starred Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone. SRK’s dance number Dard-E-Disco was one of the movie’s most recognisable tunes. Sukhwinder Singh, the song’s singer, has recently disclosed that composers Vishal and Shekhar approached him for the track and quickly closed the contract.
I was at a party when they entered, Sukhwinder Singh recalled in a Bollywood Hungama interview. It’s been a while since we worked together, so let’s record a song, I said to them. Wait for 10 minutes, they advised. Shah Rukh attended the event as well. Then they said, “How are you feeling?” I replied, “What,” to which they replied, “Let’s go to Dard-E-Disco.
The performer then admitted that he danced while he sang while recording the song, which is why he did so without shoes. “I told my recordist to adjust two mics,” he continued. I took off my shoes for the first time ever in the course of recording a song. I did this because I was in the mood to dance.
I didn’t want to record with the sound of footsteps. The song is original, true to its melody, yet intended as a club tune.
According to Mushtaq Shaikh’s book, “The Making of Om Shanti Om,” Shah Rukh first refused Farah Khan’s request for him to perform shirtless in the song Dard-E-Disco because he insisted on getting six-pack abs first. He wrote, “Farah would strip Shah Rukh every week to undertake an ab check. “The effect on the female members of the crew was very distracting,” the author continued, “with some of them having to be dragged off the set while the song was being shot.”
Sukhwinder Singh, Marianne D’Cruz, Nisha Mascarenhas, and Caralisa sang Dard-E-Disco, which was composed by Vishal and Shekhar. Written by Javed Akhtar, the lyrics.