At some point in time, every one of you might have come across this problem of Dark Circles below the eyes. Under-eye Dark circles make you look much older. Due to these dark persistent rings, you look ill and unhealthy to people. Even the most stunning women often hide her dark circles using the concealers. But have you ever wondered that hiding isn’t a permanent solution? If you want to know as to why these dark circle occur and how you can get rid of them permanently, then keep reading this article. We will be telling you some of the natural & effective home remedies for dark circles removal from your face below the eye area. But before that you must know some of the possible causes of Dark circles. Let’s take a look on them.
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Some Common Causes of Dark Circles
Since everything in this world happens for a reason. Same goes for these dark circles. They also occur due to several reasons that you are going to know:
- Not drinking an adequate amount of water – It is important to drink at least 10-12 glass of water daily. This will flush out toxins from your body that might cause dark circles to develop under your eyes.
- Haemoglobin Level in Body – Sometimes, dark circles might develop due to internal weakness due to deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals. The level of Haemoglobin in your blood is one of the indicators of such deficiencies. You can take supplements after seeing a doctor.
- Genetics – Dark circles may occur due to your genetic structure. In that case, it’s difficult to get rid of such problems, but however, you can treat them by following a strict and nutritional diet.
- Sleeplessness – For those who love to party hard, smoke or drink especially at night, dark circles are bound to appear. Make sure you balance out your lifestyle and get proper rest in order to remove dark circles.
- Stress – Stress is one of the major causes of developing dark circles. Most people who are much stressed out suffer from insomnia. Such people face difficulty falling asleep. They often wake up groggy in the morning.
- Lack of proper diet – Your bad and unhealthy eating also give you dark circles. You must be following a balanced and nutritional diet in order to look fresh and remove dark circles under your eyes.
- Prolonged illness – When recovering from a long illness, dark circles could begin to appear due to internal weakness in your body. It’s essential that you take very good care of yourself.
- Long Screen Time – Sitting for long in front of the computer can be harrowing for the eyes and can lead to eye stress and dark circles. Make sure you take breaks every hour to relax eye muscles and improve blood circulation.
So now, you know the causes of these dark circles below your eyes. It’s the time that we move further to know how you can remove Dark Circle using natural and effective home remedies.
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Home Remedies To Remove Dark Circles Naturally
These remedies are completely natural. Give them a try. They are effective in fading under-eye dark circles.
Tomato Juice with Lemon Juice
Tomatoes contain Lycopene which works as a skin-exfoliator. It also helps to fade away the appearance of dark circles. To get better results, you can add an equal amount of Lemon juice in it.
How to Use
- Extract tomato juice and lemon juice.
- Mix them in equal amounts.
- Apply the mix onto your dark circles using a cotton ball.
- Leave it for 10 minutes, and then wash it off with lukewarm water.
- You can also drink this mix on regular basis to remove dark circles.
Petroleum Jelly with Lemon Juice
Petroleum jelly is known for its moisture locking abilities. It is one of the safest hydrating moisturizers for sensitive skin. When applied under the eyes, it nourishes your skin and treats dryness that might be causing dark circles under your eyes.
How to Use
- Take a pea-sized amount of petroleum jelly.
- Add few drop of lemon juice in it.
- Mix them well to make a thick paste.
- Apply it under your eyes and let it stay for an hour.
- Clean your face using soft-facial tissue.
- Wash your face with cool water.
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Coffee with Curd
Coffee being an excellent source of antioxidants can be used to treat dark circles. It’s is used to firm, tighten and restore the skin moisture and tone. The caffeine present in it reduces dark circles by improving circulation of blood.
How to Use
- Take 2 tsp of Coffee powder in a mixing bowl.
- Add 2 tsp of curd to make a thick paste.
- Cleanse your face before applying the mixture on your face.
- Gently massage the under eye area with your fingers.
- Leave it on for 15 minutes.
- Wash it off with lukewarm water.
Give a try to these wonderful natural home remedies. But before applying directly to your face, it is highly recommended that you do a patch test. If your skin doesn’t show any side-effects, then use it for your face. Natural things take time to show results. So be patient and try these remedies for a week. They will definitely give you promising results by removing dark circles below the eyes. You can also watch the video given below. Till then, stay healthy. Eat healthily. Look Healthy.