Feeling anxious before getting in your first relationship? It is absolutely natural and everyone experiences it. Here is a list of things you must know before you get into your first relationship/partner:

- You define yourself: Often people in love feel that their partners define them. They get swayed by their partner feeling their identity is defined by their partner. It is a common phenomenon in a first relationship. Make sure you define yourself and stay true to your identity.
- Don’t let your family and friends take a backseat: A first relationship might seem an integral part of your life and you would want to prioritize your partner always, but make sure that you don’t neglect your family and friends as they have always been there for you and will always have your back.
- The relationship isn’t the end of the world: Largely people feel their first partners are their soulmates, but it is rarely the case. You need to realize that it might not be your happily ever after and you might not be able to make it work with your partner.
- You might get hurt: Your first relationship might not work out and you might get hurt. So it is best to guard yourself a little from the start itself. You should give the relationship your best but you shouldn’t be absolutely devastated if it didn’t work out.
- Your partner cannot be your entire focus: Your partner may seem to be the most important thing in your life but they are not. There is much more to life than just one person. Make sure you don’t make them the center of your life and don’t always revolve around them.
First relationships are beautiful but they might not last. Keep these things in mind before you enter your first relationship and have a great experience.