How many of you have considered Yoga as a tool to increase the immunity of your body? Most of you might be practicing yoga for several reasons like to stretch your muscles, gain strength or boost stamina, etc. But let me tell you that the benefits of Yoga are not limited to just these popularly-known reasons only. Yoga is a natural immunity booster. According to an article in the International Journal of Yoga, it is found that practicing yoga on a regular basis can eventually boost your immunity by resisting the autonomic changes and impairment of cellular immunity.
This means that Yoga helps in keeping your body cells in a healthy state. It happens because yoga being a stress buster, reduces stress and tension in the body and thus, reducing inflammation if any. Reduced inflammation means your body is fighting and defending itself properly against any infections and disease causing microbes.
There are certain yoga asana or poses that you can practice preventing common infections, fever, cold, flu, and other inflammations. For your ease, we have sorted down 5 yoga poses that you can do in order to enhance your body’s immune system.

Table of Contents
Sukhasana and Pranayama (Sitting and Breathing pose)
This is one of the simplest yoga pose one can do. Sukhasana is the traditional pose for meditation. When it is blended with breathing, it becomes effective in boosting your immune system. These yoga poses allows your body to relax. Breathing deeply and slowly helps in reducing the level of stress hormones. It also maintains a healthy heart rate. Since the posture is easy, it’s convenient to do these yoga poses anywhere.
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Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes)
This pose focuses on twisting the spine. Improper digestion can cause toxins and harmful substances to get compiled inside your stomach. These toxins have the potential of developing certain inflammation by weakening your immune system. Twisting the spine stimulates the digestion process and prevents such toxins to build-up. Therefore, Ardha Matsyendrasana boosts your overall immune system.

Matsyasana Variation (Supported Fish Pose)
Matsyasana is another simple yoga posture for immunity. If you are feeling fatigued or low, try this yoga pose. It will get your energy levels boosted and gives you a good restorative feel. Matsyasana also affects the lungs, thus helping in getting relief from congestion if any. Stay in this pose for 2-5 minutes. It relaxes your body. You just lay down with fully stretched and straight body. Support your back with Yoga blocks or some rolled up mat. Relax your chest and shoulders with your arms open wide. Hold this position until you feel any discomfort.

Uttanasana (Forward Fold)
This forward fold posture has several health benefits. It improves the circulation of blood brain to other parts of body. You can also do a handstand if you are comfortable with it. Otherwise, inverted postures and forward bends are best to ease congestion as the blood flows to the sinuses. Sinuses and mucus membranes are our body’s first line of defense. Thus, keeping them healthy can help your body in fighting against any infection or inflammation. Therefore, Uttanasana boosts your immune system indirectly. This pose looks simple but if you find any discomfort while practicing it, then you can try some other alternate yoga pose.
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Viparita Karani (Legs up the Wall)
This inverted body posture is an ultimate stress-buster. Legs up the wall relax your complete body. It improves blood circulation, relieves back pain, loosens tension if any, and much more. It also helps in improving the nervous system of your body by resetting it. As for a better immune system, our body requires the nervous system to be functioning properly. Viparita Karani asana is simple to practice. But don’t try it after your meals. Do it on an empty stomach.
Yoga being so much beneficial is sometimes underestimated by doctors and surgeons out there. No medications and surgeries are better than yoga if time isn’t the matter. To lead a happy and healthy life, you must practice yoga regularly as Yoga helps your body to remain both internally and externally fit. As you have gone through the article, you must have discovered some of the best yoga poses to boost your immunity system. Start practicing yoga if you want that no infection or inflammation can enter your body. Yoga can train your defense system by strengthening it to fight against diseases. Till then, Eat Healthy to Stay Healthy. And Yes! Don’t forget to practice these 5 yoga postures.