Menstruation has become a painful and problematic thing in some women’s life. Though, it is natural but brings pain with it. Some women bear the pain easily while others find problems bearing it. Since you couldn’t stop this natural process from going on in your body, it’s likely that you adopt some changes in your lifestyle. So that when period comes, you have your body well-prepared for the menstrual cramps and pain associated with it.
Here, in this article, we bring you 7 yoga poses or asanas that can help you in easing your menstrual pain and cramps. Yoga has several benefits if practiced for a long time, so why not take advantage of it. Do these yoga poses or asanas to help even your most stubborn period pains disappear.
Table of Contents
Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose)

This yoga pose can provide relief from the painful menstrual cramps by relaxing the uterus. While having periods, some women face problems like constipation and diarrhea. Baddha Konasana can help in improving your digestive system too. It also helps in maintaining the reproductive health of your ovaries. Women who feel tired and fatigued during periods can try practicing Baddha Konasana to regain power and feeling energetic the whole day. ( Also Read – 8 Home Remedies For Treating Irregular Periods)
Supta Buddha Konasana (Reclined Bound Angle Pose)

Periods bring stress and anxiety that are enough to make you feel agitated and crazy. This yoga pose or asana can help in reducing stress, headaches, fatigue, insomnia, and much more. It is almost similar to the Buddha Konasana, but you are leaning back instead of forward. Leaning back relaxes your abdominal muscles that eventually leads to relief from the period pain and cramps.
Balasana (Child’s Pose)

If you are one of those women, who feel muscle cramps and ache in their joints during periods, then you must practice this pose. Yoga not only helps in making your external body flexible but your internal organs too. Yoga acts as an internal massage for your body. A child’s pose or Balasana relaxes your reproductive organs by relieving the tension in your muscles. It also gives relief from pain in the back, shoulders, and neck.
Bharadvaja (Reclining Twist)

Bharadvaja or reclining twist pose is one of the best poses for dealing with menstrual cramps. While doing this pose, your hips and back muscles get stretched the most. This hip and back stretch is much needed if you’re facing pain from your periods. Not only it stretches muscles, but it also increases the flow of blood into your digestive system making it more smooth and powerful.
Upavistha Konasana (Wide Angle Seated Forward Bend)

Since the benefits of yoga aren’t singular, this pose can also ease your life. From making your mind calm to removing stress, this pose can do it all. This forward bend helps in stimulating your digestive organs. It also helps in reducing the menstrual cramps and period pain. So, practice Upavistha Konasana regularly, whether on period or not.
Janu Sirsasana (Head to Knee Forward Bend)

Janu Sirsasana is another forward bend pose. It stimulates the abdominal and reproductive muscles. At first, it might be difficult for you to touch your head to the knee. But, it’s not necessary. You can modify this pose according to your ease. Try bending forward as much as possible, without feeling discomfort. This forward bend gives relief from anxiety, stress, fatigue, aches, cramps, and period pain.
Viparita Karani (Inverted Leg Pose)

This pose or asana has physical, mental, and emotional benefits. It improves the circulation of blood around the lower region of your body. It keeps a check on your blood pressure and stimulates the digestive and nervous system. Some women might face difficulty in concentrating and focusing on work while having periods. This pose can come to their rescue as it increases the creative thinking and problem-solving ability. Not just this, it keeps the mood swings away that are associated with periods.
The best thing about Yoga is that you don’t need to head to a gym or yoga center. You can practice these simple poses or asanas at home easily. There are several medications and surgeries out there that might help you in getting relief from menstrual cramps and pain. But spending time and money is not everyone’s cup of tea when you can get the same results for free. Practice Yoga regularly and feel the positive changes that Yoga has on your health, whether physical, mental, or emotional.