Most of us have ditched some vegetables in our childhood. Our parents used to ask us to eat fruits and vegetables daily. But we ignored them that time. Even today some of us might not prefer eating vegetables. But, have you ever wondered what will happen to our body if we cut the intake of vegetables completely? Will it have a good effect on our body? If such questions are arising in your mind, then keep reading to find out whether we can remain healthy by ditching the fruits and vegetables or not.

For those who are looking for a simple Yes or No answer to the above question, then let me tell you that vegetables and fruits contains plenty of ingredients that aren’t available in any other food. So kicking all the fruits and veggies from your plate will not do any good to your body. In fact, it will badly affect your overall being. So, it’s a big NO! You can’t remain healthy by ditching all the fruits and vegetables.
Now let’s move on to find out what actually will happen to our body.
Table of Contents
1. Impaired Night Vision
Do you know that our eyes need Vitamin A to see things in dark. Vitamin A can be found in two forms – Retinol and Beta-Carotene. Food like fish oil, eggs, cod liver supply retinol to our body. While vegetables and fruits fulfill the needs of Beta-Carotene. Deficiency of any of these things can result in impaired night vision. So, without veggies, you won’t be able to see objects in dark and eventually would be at a higher risk for falling in the darkness or while driving at night.
2. Body Start Smelling worse
You might be surprised to know that food is one of those factors that contribute to the odor or smell that our body emits. The body odor also depends on the type of food that we consume. So, if we stop eating vegetables and fruits completely, then our body might start smelling worse. It has been found in a study that people who eat vegetables and fruits have more pleasant body odor than those who don’t.
3. Risk of Depression
A balanced diet not only affects your body shape but is essential for mental health too. So, when we give up on fruits and veggies completely, it badly affects your mental well being. You will start feeling depressed all the time. According to several studies, people who refuse to eat veggies are at a higher risk for depression and other mental problems.
4. Increased Blood Pressure
Without veggies and fruits, you might see an increase in your blood pressure. According to research, people who don’t consume enough fruits and vegetables, have a higher risk of increased blood pressure. So, the doctors highly recommend to eat a balanced diet including a lot more fruits and veggies to those who don’t eat them.
5. Digestive Problems
Vegetables and fruits contain lot of fiber which are essential for our digestive system. Fibers helps in creating the necessary push which is required to flush out our stool smoothly. If our body doesn’t get enough fiber, then it leads to digestion problems like constipation and acidity. So, if you cut out on veggies and fruits completely, then you might have to face constipation problems.
6. Blood Clots in Veins
Fruits rich in Vitamin C and green vegetables helps in thinning our blood for its easy movement to all parts of our body. If we don’t consume these fruits and veggies, then there is a risk of blood thickening which results in clotting of blood in several parts of body. It can also cause heart failure. So, fruits and vegetables are vital for our heart and overall body health.
7. Teeth problems
Watery-fruits like apple, grapes, etc. helps in cleaning our teeth by increasing the saliva formation. When our mouth is sufficiently watered, bad bacteria and food residue don’t accumulate in between our teeth. Thus, prevent tooth decay. Fruits and vegetables are also rich in Vitamin A and C and Calcium that strengthens teeth and prevent them from falling. So, if you don’t eat fruits and vegetables, then you might have to face teeth problems.
8. Uneven Skin tone and Dark Circles
As I told you earlier Fruits and Green leafy vegetables like Cabbage, Broccoli, Spinach and lettuce helps in the movement of blood to all parts of the body. If you stop eating these veggies, then it will lead to reducing blood flow. The blood circulation to your skin will get hampered, resulting in dull and eventually it can cause dark circles under your eyes and an uneven skin tone.
Hope that you have got your answer as to why you must be eating fruits and vegetables daily. And if you don’t, then you might be ready to face the above-stated health problems. Do you have a friend or family member who doesn’t eat fruits and veggies? Kindly share this article to them so that they can know as what will happen if they don’t consume vegetables and fruits.