Most people like the winter season but some others don’t. This is due to the change that winters bring with it. The cold air of winter steals the moisture out of your skin, making it look dull and cracked. This dry, itchy and rough skin bothers some people. If you are one of them, then this article is for you. We have listed 9 tips that they must follow to keep their skin smooth and shiny during winters. Let’s have a look on these essential Winter Skincare tips.

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Use lukewarm water to bathe
You might like taking hot showers when the weather cools down. But if you really care for your skin, then you should avoid hot water as it dries the skin quickly. Instead, use lukewarm water to bathe. Also, remember to moisturize your skin after the shower. This will lock the skin moisture and will prevent dryness of skin.
Keep yourself Hydrated
In winters, the cold air extracts the moisture out of your skin, making it dull and dry. So, it become essential to keep your water content high. Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water to keep your skin hydrated. You can also use a humidifier to maintain the optimum moisture level in your room. This will certainly keep your skin happy.
Minimize Skin exposure
You must protect your skin against the cold breeze when stepping out of your home. Use gloves and caps to avoid any direct contact with cold wind. Always keep a skin moisturizer with you to prevent cracks and excessive dryness. You can also use a sunscreen lotion if somehow the sun comes out. Because whether it’s summer or winter, the UV rays from the sun can still damage your skin. So, it’s better to cover your skin with clothes in order to minimize skin exposure to the atmosphere.
Don’t Exfoliate too much
Exfoliating your skin is good as it helps in removing dead skin cells and allow better skin regeneration. But you have to be careful during winters because your outer skin is already compromised with dry and cold weather. Exfoliating more than once a week can make your skin excessively dry. You might even develop cracks. So, its highly recommended that you don’t exfoliate much in winters.
Choose Skincare Products Wisely
It’s more than obvious to say that the products that made your skin happy during summers can make your skin sad during winters. So, it’s better to change those products and choose mild skincare products that suits best in winters. Use cleansers that contain moisturizer so that it doesn’t pull out your skin’s natural moisture. Make sure that you don’t use products that contain alcohol as it will make your skin drier on application.
Avoid Irritating Wear
As your skin is more susceptible to allergies in winters, make sure you don’t trigger any allergens by exposing your skin. Some of you might be allergic to some fabric or wool. In that case, avoid direct contact of woolen clothes with your skin as it can cause rashes or irritation. Always choose winter wear that is made of high-quality wool. You can also try winter wear made from cotton.
Eat Healthy
Add seasonal fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. To keep your skin healthy and immune to allergens, you will need vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Fruits and veggies contains all these vital things that your skin requires. Watery fruits will help your skin to stay hydrated for long. So, eat healthy to keep your skin happy during the winters.
Exercise Regularly
During the winters, the oil and sweat glands in your body gets blocked by the dryness of outer layer of skin. This leads to development of acne and pimples. To avoid this condition, you must exercise. I know it’s hard to get out of the bed, leaving the warm cozy blanket. But it’s necessary for your overall health. Exercise regulates your heart rate, maintains blood pressure so that other organs can function at their best. Therefore, whether it’s a chilly winter morning or a hot summer morning, you must exercise. Go out for a walk or indulge in any physical activity.
Follow this Simple Winter Skincare Routine
For your ease, here’s a simple skincare routine that you can follow to keep your skin healthy during winters. Let’s see! Cleanse your skin in the morning. Apply a light moisturizer to lock in your skin’s natural moisture. Use night cream or heavy moisturizer at night. Do this immediately after washing your skin as damp skin absorbs moisture better. That’s it. Do this much if you really care for your skin.
Hope you find these tips easy and helpful. Do appreciate our efforts by liking and sharing our content with your friends. Moreover, if you have any special winter skincare secret, then do let us know in the comment section below. Till then, take very good care of your skin.